Monday, June 25, 2007

Hello guys....Today has been a busy day for all of us. Zachary has been at school this morning continuing his learning with the summer program for his school. Now we sit at home, Eli's watching Shrek 2, Bailey's having a late lunch, and Zachary's singing "Doctor Love" and giving all of us his Paul Stanley performance. The concert continues here 24/7. Life here is never boring!!!

The preparations for the benefit are still continuing and as the days pass, we become closer to the big day. I can't wait to see his face when the big day reveals itself!!! Lots of things are going to happen with the promotion of this big event....I need not say what they are; but all I can say is stay tuned for more info on this event for our little KISS kid/ Mini Paul, Zachary!!!

Zachary is having a good day today despite all the small problems I have to straighten out, which is no big deal. Just another chapter of our lives. Nothing I can't handle.

As you all know, there have been things floating around for the past several months and recently about Zachary and myself. What I have learned regarding them are none of these rumors are true. The way I see things, people try and drag down a ill child and the mother that supports him because he's gaining all of this attention. Would it be because of the "ugly green monster" or is this just regular jealousy?? Whatever it may be, it doesn't concern me because I have all the proof at my fingertips that could put all these horrible rumors to rest once and for all. What really gets me, is the person who started these rumors has nothing better to do with their life and decided to make their life a little more exciting. What surprises me even more, the people that supposedly believe these rumors who call themselves "supporters of Zachary" and my "friends" in the KISS circle did not come to me regarding any of this. HOW UPSETTING!!! Well I guess in the end you know who your friends are.

In closure, for all of you out there. I am the same person from the beginning and have not changed whatsoever regarding any of this. Zachary is presently ill and that is real. He still needs all of your support, prayers, and love as well as my entire family. And everything I have wrote and said regarding what I am doing and have done for him is true. I have dedicated my life and time to him, my children, and to his dream and theirs and will continue to do so until my last days here. I ask all of you to continue to stand by us during these trying times and not to believe a terrible rumor regarding us. For we are who we say we are and always will be.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Zachary's New Apprentice....

Good morning guy. This weekend has been quiet, yet busy for me. Let's recap... Been busy with the benefit for Zachary and going full blast. Updates are yet to come.... Saturday morning, Zachary had another seizure and fell off the bed hitting the corner of the hope chest below, leaving a bruise and a gash over his right eye. Not to worry, everyone, he's ok; but has the mark which will eventually go away.

Yesterday, the boys went with their dad for the night and will be returning home this afternoon around 5pm. While they were gone yesterday, I took it upon myself to complete my yard work (which lasted all day), cleaning off my carport, and washing my van. Everything which needed my attention. This morning, I will continue my work with the interior of my home and the patio. I have been trying to keep myself busy with the home during the week and on the weekends so I don't have time to think about anything else that could upset me in any way. I have been getting better at this on my own.

When Zachary and Eli are here, I usually cater to their needs over the home and my own. Not to mention, I have 24 hour entertainment by not just Zachary, but by his little brother, Eli as well. Now they both perform KISS songs together. The baby is learning as much about KISS music as the older brother now. It's pretty amazing how quickly he can learn. What's funny, I have never pushed this on either of them...they just learn this on their own. Even when a KISS song is not playing on the DVD, Eli will walk around the house singing it. He doesn't go full blast like Zachary, but he's learning. He has the best teacher in the world....his big brother!!! Zachary tells Eli he can be Gene and Zachary, of course is Paul. Eli wants to be Paul too. What's so cute about Eli, he even got the puckered lips down like Paul!!! All I can say is looks like I have 2 KISS fans in the home now. It makes me happy to see them singing KISS songs together and performing them on my coffee table together. I have the hottest act in the world and with that it makes me the luckiest mom alive!!!!

Take care all of you and God bless!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hello guys....This week has been constantly busy for me and the children. Not to mention the changes that Zachary is experiencing during this rough time in his life and with his illness. Everything has taken a tole on the family. I am dealing with the stress by staying busy in the home and that is why I have not been able to get back to all of you. I have gone back to full time mother and supporter of the children. This is my life and this is why I do what I do daily.

They say you never forget your roots when someone or something has been recognized. This is sincerely true. I began this 3 years and 7 months ago with Zachary because it was his only wish to meet KISS. It wasn't because I was a fan, nor was it to get recognized by famous people; it has and always will be strictly because of Zachary and only him. I am simply a mother with a heart as big as Texas and will do anything to make my children happy and if it involves making their dreams come true, so be it. Until this wish is carried out involving the benefit concert for Zachary, my work will continue and I am prepared to fight the long fight for my son. I would do this for any of my children and I do. But so far, Bailey and Eli's wishes haven't been too extreme nor impossible for me to accomplish. Granted if it ever does, I will do the same for them as I did for Zachary. I do this to make each of them happy or smile; not for my own satisfaction...this is what I live for everyday.

As for Zachary's benefit, things are looking up daily and I get more and more excited as the days pass. I just know this will be the ultimate concert Zachary and any fan will experience and I can't wait for all of you to get to share it with us. Zachary's KISS will go into full promotion soon and tickets will go on sale at the box office in July...prices will vary. My goal was to organize an event with the spirit of Zachary as he would want it down to the music. I have decided to make it a family function with a music for all. The proceeds will go to help Zachary with his medical bills and future ones as well as traveling for he and I to and from the hospital.

I hope to see all of you in Alexandria, Louisiana for this very important event for Zachary...together we can all make a difference for him...KISS Army/Fans Unite!!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

A New Week....

Good morning!!! Well the weekend is over and back to normal everyday life. What I strive to do, like most, is to make it to the next weekend. I completed many tasks that have been put on hold for quite detail cleaning and organizing my home. Needless to say, my weekend was pretty eventful. I have been energetic the entire time.

The children have been pretty well behaved and helpful the whole time...hardly no sibling battles to intervene. Zachary has had several breakdowns and last night experienced another seizure; but didn't last no time. This morning, he goes to school for 3 hours for the summer program for special education with his present teacher. This is his second summer to participate in this program. I agree with the teacher that he attends because it helps him prepare for the following school year and he will excell as he did the last. He's a really smart kid and was the top student in his class as well as the regular pre k class. He's an unbelievable child with a huge capacity of learning and I know he will go far with the proper tools handed down through education. Learning has been very important to me; in fact, Zachary and I brush up on skills out of school. I feel it is very important for him to learn something new everyday to add to what he has previously learned.

Over the weekend, Barry Carr attended the KISS Coffeehouse 1st year Anniversary party with special guest, Ace Frehley. While there, Barry presented Ace with a custom made manaquin of Ace from the era, Love Gun. While there, Barry also promoted Zachary's benefit concert in which is to take place in August. Barry also had some time to talk with Ace regarding the benefit for Zachary and extended an invitation to appear to the event to meet Zachary. I have no word as of yet what transpired with this discussion; but will give you all an update as breaking news surfaces. Barry was a busy person at the coffeehouse....from promoting his business (Rock Bottom Costumes), meeting with Ace, promoting Zachary and the benefit, passing around Zachary's petition to meet KISS, and also promoting two of the bands that will be performing at the benefit (Miss Crazy and Absense of Concern). To know more about these two bands, click on their sites and listen to their music. These guys are two awesome bands that Zachary loves and are becoming extremely popular during this day and age.

I will be updating all of you as the week progresses as we prepare for the largest concert ever to hit Louisiana for the smallest KISS fan!!! Take care and love to you all.....

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Hello guys. I hope all of you have had an enjoyable weekend so far. To all you dads out there...Happy Father's Day from us.

Ok here's the updates....Zachary's seizures have increased now due to emotional stress as well as the tumors in which he has continued to take his medicine twice a day and most of the time he gets no relief. He has become extremely aggrivated and impatient as well and I can't explain this. I took him to the doctor on Tuesday and was given some choices of one I will not do because it will tramatize him more. I choose to be the supportative mother and stand by my son at his time of need. Everyday that passes, is another day in which I see we are running out of time to make Zachary's wish come true.

Barry and I are working tediously everyday to promote this benefit and to make it a success for Zachary and at times we both feel like we're digging a hole for ourselves in which all we need to do is jump in. Barry is now working on Zachary's Paul Stanley Destroyer costume for the benefit and Zachary is so excited about this. I believe this is what keeps him going. In which now Zachary knows about his upcoming benefit in which bands are going to attend. Every week, Zachary speaks with Markus Allen Christopher of Miss Crazy (from Los Angeles) and is excited to meet him; not to mention Zachary sings a KISS song with Markus over the phone for entertainment. It's an absolute trip to see them interact. It makes Zachary happy and I am always smiling to see him in such good spirits dealing with the music from his heart.

Also, I received additional information regarding Zachary's wish from Make A Wish. If you remember from the posts in the past, Zachary has been on a list to receive a wish granted for a celebrity meet and greet. His wish you ask?? To meet KISS!!! Well guys, looks like that will be happening on July 20th. I did some research as to where this will be taking place and it looks like KISS will be in Michigan on that day in concert!!! I'm so happy to know that Zachary will be experiencing his very first KISS concert less than a month before his benefit is about to take place. Needless to say, my hopes are that all or some of the members of the band would make an appearance to Zachary's event...It wouldn't be titled "Zachary's KISS" for nothing!!! Zachary has told me he wants to sing at his concert. I asked him what will you sing?? He says he wants to sing "Heaven's On Fire". He may change his mind before then, but whatever song he chooses, I'm sure it will be a great performance. We don't call "Mini Paul" for nothing!!! He is the real deal; he acts just like the original and wouldn't have it any other way. Oh wow, if Paul could see him now!!! Well who knows, maybe he will....

Monday, June 11, 2007

Zachary Wish

Good morning KISS fans. I'm writing to thank all of you who are supporting Zachary in his quest to meet KISS. This has been a tough road he and I have traveled to now and it continues to get harder everyday. Many of you have helped us along the way and I want to thank you all. I now have 4 reasons why I get out of bed every morning. Everyday is a gift and is also a new day of possibility. It would make me very happy to see Zachary get his wish and when that day comes, it will be an emotional day for the both of us; because we never imagined beyond our wildest dreams that the day would ever come.

I have not give up hope for Zachary; I just continue to push the issue because I know he would want it that way. I always stop and think what would he want or what would he say if he were here or what would he do if he were faced with this?? Anything regarding the band or music automatically leads me back to Zachary and I decide which road I should travel on walking in his shoes. Barry and I have traveled many bumpy paths to achieve Zachary's goal, but the goal has not went out of sight nor mind. Zachary is my daily reminder of what is well and good in life....the music of the band he loves the most...KISS.

These men have been like brothers and friends to him even though he has never had the honor to meet them. They have been there for him through thick and thin since the age of 2. Not only do they mean the world to him, but they have served as role models for him since day one. They are his heros and that is why Barry Carr and I feel so taken by Zachary that we have to achieve his goal to meet them one day soon. We will not stop until Zachary's Wish becomes a reality. This is our ulitmate goal to give back selflessly to a child that deserves the best.

Please support us in our quest for Zachary's Wish. Go to, request me as a friend, and repost Zachary's petition with your comment(s). He needs our help. Come on KISS Army today is the day we unite and become one with and for Zachary to pursue his dream!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Calling All KISS Armies!!!!

I am writing all of you tonight to let all of you know what has been going on with what Barry Carr and I have been working on for Zachary since November.

As you all know, it all started with the pair of boots Barry made for Zachary and later it was the KISS Expo. Presently Barry and I are working on the benefit concert for Zachary and hope it will be a success. I'm jumping ahead of myself, though.

I will start with Make A Wish first. Zachary has been on the list for over a year and his wish has not been met as of yet. Last week, he had a horrible spell and I nearly lost him during this. As of now, Zachary presently awaits for his wish to be granted and to meet his idols. Now to jump ahead....

When I brought Zachary to the KISS Expo in Myrtle Beach, promises were made to him through me regarding care packages from the Expos if he was unable to make the trip due to doctor appointments and health. These promises came from the webmaster for KISSONLINE; but to no avail, nothing ever came. It upsets me as a mother to see Zachary on a daily basis waiting for the man in the brown truck to bring him a package. The package in which never came and presently he still waits. How do I feel you ask?? I feel Zachary was used while he was there at the Expo and once he was out of sight, he was out of mind. The good deed was done for the day. It's kind of like giving a kid a cookie to keep them quiet, sit them down in front of the television, and go about your business as if they're not there. This depresses me more than anything and infuriates me more because Zachary is the one that is getting cheated out of his only wish and that is to meet the original four that stand for the band he loves in which he calls them his friends.

In conclusion, I am compiling a petition that will be passed around on the web. Zachary needs your support with this petition to help make his wish come true to meet KISS at his benefit concert on August 11th. Your comments are needed and your voice will be heard. Thank you KISS Armies and fans....Zachary needs your help. We love you all.....

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Prayers are Needed....

Hello guys. This past week has been pretty rough for Zachary, as well as myself since I have no control. On Thursday of last week, might as well say early Friday morning, Zachary experienced the worst seizure of his life. Unfortunately, I was unable to control it this time and had to rely on the assistance of medical professionals to put the monstrous seizure at bay. Luckily, Zachary was released and we went home.

Things since then have been going well/going rough for Zachary ever since. It's all been mediocre and this is beyond our control. My goal is to just get through the day and to have a sound night; and with that we take one day at a time. I wish it didn't have to be this way for him, but it's the best we can do with what lifestyle we have to work with.

I want all of you to know your prayers, emails, cards, gifts, ect has been wonderful for Zachary and great for his spirits. I want to thank all of you for what you have done for him by lifting him up in this way. I truly believe the music does wonders on him that no one else can gives him peace. Please keep Zachary in your prayers during this troubling time. On a nightly basis, I pray for his health, strength, ect. I ask the lord to give him a sound night and a great day. I also bestow that he have peaceful dreams of what he loves the best...and for any fear he may have during sleep to be put to rest. I end it with please find a cure and let him endure here.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He needs your help again...Pray for him....We love you all...