Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Updates and more to come!!!!

Happy Mother's Day mommies!!! My day started off great and continues to get better as the day proceeds. To start off, Zachary's feeling better since his bad excursion yesterday.

He was really ill yesterday; his legs hurt and he couldn't walk. I had to carry him everywhere we went yesterday and he was sick literally. The doctor told me numerous times this is because of the tumors in his brain. Now I have learned he not only has them in the brain, but other locations as well. I am still waiting on the results of the EMU and I will pass the results down through family and on this blogspot.

Now for the good news....I am in the middle of organizing a benefit event for Zachary. This will be held at the Rapides Parish Coliseum in Alexandria, Louisiana on August the 11th. I have 3 slots for artists filled and have 2 more bands I'm looking for to play their hearts out and bring the event the ultimate success. Zachary has no knowledge of the event and won't know until the big day. I'm very happy and excited for him regarding the whole thing and so excited that I don't mind the extra work that I put towards it. We have a strong lineup so far and will finish the event with the final bands powerful performance. The final song that I have chosen to be performed is Zachary's song that was recorded for him and this will be the grand finale of the whole event because Zachary will make an appearance as Paul Stanley (complete in the Paul Destroyer costume with guitar in hand) playing along with his song. This I feel, will make his whole day and night complete regardless of how much the benefit makes for him towards medical. This is what makes him happy and I feel as he does, the music heals and is his spirit. So stay tuned for more info as the process continues.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have posted directions to your new blog on the Zacharys Kiss blog.

I will continue to pray for You and Zachary. Call me any time if you need me to pray for you.

Your brother in the Lord