Saturday, May 12, 2007

Back to Normal Life...

Good Morning, guys. Today celebrates a week anniversary since Zachary and I returned home from Houston, in which was early in the am. So let me recap you all from the last entry...

Zachary was unhooked from the EMU around 4pm, we went to the ground floor several times thereafter so he could stretch his legs and get out of the room, and at the same time waiting for the doctors and the technicians for the MRI. While we were at ground level we walked over to medical records and I signed a release for a copy of his records to be sent to my address. Soon after, we returned to the 10th floor to get his lab drawn and to wait for the doctor. During this whole time, Zachary could not have anything to drink until after the MRI. In which he was getting extremely violent as well as aggravated.

Around 6:30pm the technician came to retrieve Zachary for his MRI and we went back to the ground floor. I signed paperwork while they checked Zachary's vitals and soon after met with the anesthesiologist to discuss the anesthesia and medication that needed to be administered to Zachary after the MRI was complete. The medication I'm referring to is for nausea. I was told the anesthesia would work quickly, but was shocked with the results of how quickly it took effect. Soon after, Zachary was taken to the back for the MRI in which should have lasted 2 hours. I went and bought a coffee and waited for a while. When Zachary was brought into recovery and I was called in, it was 9:10 pm and the nurses were having problems waking him up. I had to literally sit him up and begin to speak to him to wake him. Zachary refused to drink anything they offered him. Soon after this, we were back on the 10th floor to have the IV removed from his hand. This was a long wait because the nurse on the floor was attending to other children and it took time. While we waited, Zachary too became restless to go home, but was very drunk from the anesthesia and the medication that was administered to him for nausea. He was very hard to handle. He also was very mean, in which I had to stroll him down the halls to calm him until the nurse was ready for him. Once the IV was out, in which he put up a fight; we were escorted to garage 12 to my van to go home. Zachary was in and out of sleep the whole 6 hours and by the time we walked in the door refused to go to bed; it was 4:30 am. I was beat and after tucking him in to bed fell asleep too and didn't wake up until much later.

We are happy to be home for now; but know this will be happening once again on July 20th, but have no idea what Texas Children's Hospital has in mind for him until we arrive there once again. I'm awaiting the remainder of the test results and will post them all at once for all of you to read about....some are definite, some are not really positive, but I hope to get some good news on results by next week. Until then, keep praying for him, and I will write all of you soon. Have a productive weekend...We love you all!!!

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