Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Zachary is Not Well...

Hello everyone. I know I haven't been on here lately; but alot of things have been going on with Zachary. It is with pain that I tell all of you that he is not his usual self. It started about a month ago and has worsened in the past several weeks. The seizures have piled on, the headaches are more frequent, and he complaines of his legs hurting more in which causes him not to walk much. He hasn't sang a KISS song for the longest time and that's not him at all. He sleeps alot and that's just about all.

Around 4:40pm yesterday, he had a horrible seizure, pupils were completely dialated, he wet his pants, and had no clue who I was or where he was. I rushed him to the ER only to come back late. We stayed until he was himself again. Tomorrow I will take him to the doctor to discuss the scheduling of the next MRI for him. I will keep all of you posted. Don't stop praying for him and I will never give up on him as well. I want to see him make it and win.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mid August...event vastly approaches...

Hello guys!!! I'm back from broke computer city and ready to inform all of you we are in full force spreading the word of Zachary's benefit. Things have changed here drastically and the comcert has to happen for Zachary. Number may be gone...Number Two...possible surgery in the fall...and Number Three...his health is starting to falter so something has to be done. If any of you can help, please contact Stephen Cristoforo...Echo 1 Productions at 954-274-7702. Thank You.... Here's some pics of Zachary at the KISS concert in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan....God Bless all of you!!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Hey guys!!! Alot's been going on here lately and I have been so busy that I have not had time to write on this site lately!!! Oh well. Not to mention, my laptop's cracked!!! So I am using another computer temporarily until mine is fixed.

I was so happy to be with Zachary when he met KISS and not to mention Paul Stanley. I'm not a fan; but was there as a mother witnessing her child's dream come true. That is important to me enough. We were treated at the hotel very well. It was alot of fun and Zachary got to see the band rehearse before the show!! That was too cool!!! Zachary told me Paul smiled and waved at him. The whole weekend was magical and alot of fun for Zachary and I was just content that everything was falling into place.

The weekend could not end without a private meeting and goodbye from Paul himself. On Saturday morning that is just what Zachary received. Zachary and Paul talked like they have known one another for a while, I took a picture (which is now on KOL and and updated Paul on what was coming up for Zachary. Words cannot describe how proud I was that day. I also had the honor of witnessing Paul as a person and not a rockstar. When Paul was around Zachary at the hotel and backstage, especially at the hotel; he was showing his parental instincts. For that span of time, he was not Paul the Starchild/Rockstar...nor was he Paul the artist...he was Paul the man...Paul Stanley the parent. Not saying he was Zachary's parent...No...but he treated Zachary as he would an innocent child that loves and adores him for more than what he is; but for him and nothing more.

I now believe I understand the bond between the two of them. Most people won't be able to understand this even if it takes them a lifetime. You have to think outside of the box and not within. In my experience, the only way to think outside the box is to look through the eyes of a child and never dare to dream big.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Sault Ste. Marie Update....More to come!!!!!

Hey guys!!!! Zachary and I are back from the big weekend in MI and the KISS show was awesome!!!!! I will be posting pics from our travels soon for all of you to see and a few surprise shots which are very rare. Stay posted.......

Giving a shout out to Auntie Lisa and Uncle Mark as well as the KISS Armies....TX, Canada, OH, NY, and many others supporting the band "rockin' in the free world".....We love you guys.....New KISS Army Division forming in our home state LA....update coming soon....To my family.....tks for all your support we love you!!!! Tks Stephen (from Zach) and sending love out to Superhero Tony Whitfield.....Zachary loves you and will see you soon....

As for the benefit.....stay posted and more info will follow....


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Update...Zachary's Benefit...

Hello guys. I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July. Likewise for us as well. We had the traditional 4th...BBQ, TV, conversation, and fireworks. FUN, FUN!!

Today I am updating all of you on Zachary's benefit that is located at the Rapides Parish Coliseum. First of all, I want to tell all of you that we have a new promoter. His name is Stephen Cristoforo of Echo 1 Productions. Stephen has over 15 years experience in the music business and concert promotions. I learned about Stephen through my friend Markus Allen Christopher, the lead singer for Miss Crazy. Since our first discussion, Stephen has taken the reigns and moved with as much drive as me to make this concert the biggest and the best, not to mention a reality for Zachary and I. In the past weeks, Stephen has covered more ground with the preparations of the benefit than anyone ever has. For this, I am thankful and I can put my strengths in writing to all of you and continuing my life as a full time mother and home nurse for Zachary.

Zachary is well, as far as I know...he's with his dad until Sunday. Over the past several weeks, Zachary has been pretty hard to handle. He has experienced many seizures and violent spells that have lasted several hours. When these spells occur, Zachary can be pretty hard to restrain; but I have the determination to do so to protect him from himself and others. Zachary's worst enemy is himself and with that, destruction can follow. Everyday he continues to fight the demons inside him and I am always there by his side helping him win the battle no matter how long. Zachary will never give up the fight because I won't let him.

The benefit Stephen and I are organizing for Zachary will be a success, I feel. All the proceeds will go to Zachary's care and medical bills and anything he may need. I am content now that Stephen has taken the wheel regarding the benefit organization. I can go back to being just Kristen: loving mother and longer Kristen: the businesswoman/promoter/spokesperson. I can just be me and love my kids in the process.

If any of you guys want to help with the organization of Zachary's benefit, please don't contact Stephen Cristoforo. His email address is He will be glad to hear from all of you, as well as your ideas for the Zachary's benefit. I would also be honored to have any of you, my family, to help with this event in honor of Zachary, the most cherished gift God ever gave me.....

Love to you all.....

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hello guys....Today has been a busy day for all of us. Zachary has been at school this morning continuing his learning with the summer program for his school. Now we sit at home, Eli's watching Shrek 2, Bailey's having a late lunch, and Zachary's singing "Doctor Love" and giving all of us his Paul Stanley performance. The concert continues here 24/7. Life here is never boring!!!

The preparations for the benefit are still continuing and as the days pass, we become closer to the big day. I can't wait to see his face when the big day reveals itself!!! Lots of things are going to happen with the promotion of this big event....I need not say what they are; but all I can say is stay tuned for more info on this event for our little KISS kid/ Mini Paul, Zachary!!!

Zachary is having a good day today despite all the small problems I have to straighten out, which is no big deal. Just another chapter of our lives. Nothing I can't handle.

As you all know, there have been things floating around for the past several months and recently about Zachary and myself. What I have learned regarding them are none of these rumors are true. The way I see things, people try and drag down a ill child and the mother that supports him because he's gaining all of this attention. Would it be because of the "ugly green monster" or is this just regular jealousy?? Whatever it may be, it doesn't concern me because I have all the proof at my fingertips that could put all these horrible rumors to rest once and for all. What really gets me, is the person who started these rumors has nothing better to do with their life and decided to make their life a little more exciting. What surprises me even more, the people that supposedly believe these rumors who call themselves "supporters of Zachary" and my "friends" in the KISS circle did not come to me regarding any of this. HOW UPSETTING!!! Well I guess in the end you know who your friends are.

In closure, for all of you out there. I am the same person from the beginning and have not changed whatsoever regarding any of this. Zachary is presently ill and that is real. He still needs all of your support, prayers, and love as well as my entire family. And everything I have wrote and said regarding what I am doing and have done for him is true. I have dedicated my life and time to him, my children, and to his dream and theirs and will continue to do so until my last days here. I ask all of you to continue to stand by us during these trying times and not to believe a terrible rumor regarding us. For we are who we say we are and always will be.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Zachary's New Apprentice....

Good morning guy. This weekend has been quiet, yet busy for me. Let's recap... Been busy with the benefit for Zachary and going full blast. Updates are yet to come.... Saturday morning, Zachary had another seizure and fell off the bed hitting the corner of the hope chest below, leaving a bruise and a gash over his right eye. Not to worry, everyone, he's ok; but has the mark which will eventually go away.

Yesterday, the boys went with their dad for the night and will be returning home this afternoon around 5pm. While they were gone yesterday, I took it upon myself to complete my yard work (which lasted all day), cleaning off my carport, and washing my van. Everything which needed my attention. This morning, I will continue my work with the interior of my home and the patio. I have been trying to keep myself busy with the home during the week and on the weekends so I don't have time to think about anything else that could upset me in any way. I have been getting better at this on my own.

When Zachary and Eli are here, I usually cater to their needs over the home and my own. Not to mention, I have 24 hour entertainment by not just Zachary, but by his little brother, Eli as well. Now they both perform KISS songs together. The baby is learning as much about KISS music as the older brother now. It's pretty amazing how quickly he can learn. What's funny, I have never pushed this on either of them...they just learn this on their own. Even when a KISS song is not playing on the DVD, Eli will walk around the house singing it. He doesn't go full blast like Zachary, but he's learning. He has the best teacher in the world....his big brother!!! Zachary tells Eli he can be Gene and Zachary, of course is Paul. Eli wants to be Paul too. What's so cute about Eli, he even got the puckered lips down like Paul!!! All I can say is looks like I have 2 KISS fans in the home now. It makes me happy to see them singing KISS songs together and performing them on my coffee table together. I have the hottest act in the world and with that it makes me the luckiest mom alive!!!!

Take care all of you and God bless!!!