Monday, August 13, 2007

Mid August...event vastly approaches...

Hello guys!!! I'm back from broke computer city and ready to inform all of you we are in full force spreading the word of Zachary's benefit. Things have changed here drastically and the comcert has to happen for Zachary. Number may be gone...Number Two...possible surgery in the fall...and Number Three...his health is starting to falter so something has to be done. If any of you can help, please contact Stephen Cristoforo...Echo 1 Productions at 954-274-7702. Thank You.... Here's some pics of Zachary at the KISS concert in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan....God Bless all of you!!!

1 comment:

Celestial2920 said...

Hi Kristen!

You have some great shots of Zach with Paul, Tommy and Eric. I was wondering if he got to met and talk with Gene for a few minutes.

How is Zach doing? I hope things are not turning for the worst, and I hope that if the operation goes thru, he comes out wih flying colors!

Take Care!

Jim A Pearson
Delia, Alberta, Canada eh?