Friday, April 27, 2007

Hello guys...I hope this entry finds everyone well. I've been extremely busy all week with the preparations for the trip for Houston that Zachary and I will be taking on Sunday. To be honest, I do dread the trip because I hate driving for long periods of time alone and the traffic in Houston itself can be absolute MURDER and I hate traffic jams. But to no avail, I'm preparing myself and Zachary for the big trip.

For several weeks, Zachary has been extremely aggressive and whiny. The medicine has not helped relieve him at all and his illness has worsened by the day to the point when I no longer have the answers anymore. I knew someday it would come to this point, but I didn't know when this would occur and was hoping it wouldn't be for a long time until it happened; but I fooled myself once again and Zachary continues to prove me wrong on a daily basis. Sometimes it is very easy to care for him and fill his needs in all aspects; but it pains me to see him continue to worsen by the day and week. I don't like to see him that way and I hate to feel powerless as a mother to this wonderful child and not be able to solve all of his problems to the best of my ability.

Last night, for instance, he went into a rage (in which is unexplained by me); and at some point, I had to administer the medications hours early to him in which he continued to fight off the effects because his rage was so extreme. I was called names, hit, kicked and bit as well as his brother and sister were attacked for reasons they can and cannot explain...needless to say, they were in his path and that's what usually happens with Zachary when his rage has reached its peak. Around I say 8 or 8:30 last night, he finally fell asleep and woke up fairly early this morning rested; but he was on the rampage once again first thing this morning regarding a single stop sign. After I settled him down, he allowed me to dress him for school and get him on the bus; in which he was fine. At the end of the day, it will be another story and I will update all of you on his progress tomorrow before I leave for Houston on Sunday.

Love you guys and have a great weekend!!

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