Monday, April 30, 2007


Hello guys...Well Zachary and I made it to Houston safe and sound and didn't get lost. Just like planned, Zachary brought all or most of his KISS collection; but unfortunate for me, I had to carry this from the parking garage to the 10th floor. WHEW!!!! By the time I got to the 10th floor, I was pooped!!! Needless to say, we finally settled in for the evening and here I am typing to you while Zachary lays in his bed, hooked up to the monitors watching KISS Rock the Nation Live.

The room we are in is KISSED OUT to the extreme and among the major things that were brought were Zachary's KISS Light, the picture of Zachary and Bruce with the Paul doll and many other things. Well too many to name on here for now, considering my time is limited and Zachary needs my constant attention. It is nearly dinner now and I thought I'd update all of you so far.

We have seen 4 doctors today and several other medical professionals. Tonight he is being watched and we will see what there is to report tomorrow. For now, we take this day by day because it all depends on Zachary. All I can do is be here for support.

Until then, have a great night and I will be writing to all of you soon...

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